Nakuru Director spells out plan to boost education standards

By Peter Otuoro

Nakuru County Director of Education (CDE) Victoria Mulili has said that strategic measures have been put in place to ensure all secondary schools in the county improve their performance in the 2023 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examinations.

“I met and engaged all education stakeholders in the county and agreed on a formula to improve education standards in the county,” she said.

Ms. Mulili said that they agreed that all National schools should have at least a mean of 10; all Extra County schools should have at least a mean of 9; all County schools should have at least a mean of 8 and all Sub County schools should attain a minimum mean of 7 in the 2023 KCSE.

The Director urged students to work hard and aim at producing stellar results to increase their chances of getting an opportunity to further their education in universities.

She also urged parents to play their roles well in supporting teachers and students to enable them to perform as expected.


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