Nabukwesi launches inaugural Ubuntu Special Needs conference

By Roy Hezron

A comprehensive nature of the solution to a transformative education system that meets high expectations of students and parents, and also needs of teachers with limited resources will require significant investment, restructuring of roles in the education sector and a massive professional and leadership development strategy.

This was revealed by the Principal Secretary in the State Department for University Education and Research Ambassador Simon Nabukwesi when he officially opened the first Ubuntu Special Needs and Inclusive Education 2022 conference held at Kenya Institute of Special Education (KISE) on November 16, 2022.

According to Nabukwesi, the solutions will further require restructuring of funding, new accountability mechanisms, major institutional change within government, counties and schools and also renewed relationships between schools, parents and communities to bring the plan to a desirable end for everyone.

“The fundamental right to education is where learners are put in a position to access and complete quality education programs with success. We must be mindful that an inclusive, just and fair society can only be achieved through collective action,” he said.

Ministry of Education, Prinicipal Secretary, Amb. Simon Nabukwesi ( c ),Director of Special Needs Education, Fredrick Haga and ASWEN and KISE, Directo, Eva Naputuni Nyoike having a chat 1st Ubuntu Special Needs and Inclusive Education 2022 Conference held at Kenya Institute of Special Education on 16th November 2022

Nabukwesi stated further that the quality of education for all children is a precondition to ensure the quality of life to all who will be the working force of the future, the cradle of future families and responsible citizens of Kenya.

“We must remember we work every day to educate the future citizens, to make sure that every child from a disadvantaged family or from a family with economic difficulties, a child with learning challenges and a child with different abilities will be accepted and valued and also benefit equally from our education system. This way, they will be part of the society later and build a good life,” he added.

He acknowledged the tremendous efforts which have been put forth by various community-based, local and international organizations towards Inclusive Education.

He also challenged the Ubuntu Conference participants and delegates to put down a roadmap for the next 20 years that will re-image inclusive education as a mechanism towards education for all.

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