Mwingi Executive Secretary: KNUT is alive and loved by teachers

By Lydia Ngoolo 

The newly-elected KNUT Executive Secretary Mwingi branch Mike Mbutu has said the turnout in the recent elections was prove that the union was “very much alive in teachers’ hearts”.

He pointed out 90 per cent of the teachers were forced to leave the union.

“Teachers did not leave the union at their own free will and we need them back,” he said.

Mbutu was elevated from vice Executive Secretary to Executive Secretary, taking over from long-serving Jonathan Mutambu who has retired.

“KNUT is only dead in some people’s minds but in reality it’s more than alive and loved by the teachers. Teachers want their union back and I call upon members to stay put. Those who quit should come back and non-members should join the union,” added Mbutu.

He observed that a strong union was good for quality of the country’s education.

In the elections, Maurice Maluki was elected chairman while the Treasurer’s position went to Mueni Mati.

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