Musingu High School in Kakamega holds Alumni Day

Teachers and students of Musingu High with trophies awarded by alumni. Photos by Richard Sichangi

Musingu High School has held its Alumni Day day with all in attendance urging the current students to work hard and remain focus on the fundamental goal that brought them to the school of achieving their academic dreams by recording good results.

The association president, Edmond Otuoma, noted that the team has embarked on the various activities that aim at improving the academic performance of the school.

He added that they involve mostly with academics and co-curricular activities of the school as the association is currently sponsoring five vulnerable students with full scholarship.

The chair said that they have other alumni who are offering sponsorship to various students in the school at personal capacity.

The chair reiterated that in sports they offer financial and moral support to have the school develop all round students beneficial to the community.


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The president also observed that the old boys are involved in upgrading the infrastructure at individual level saying that the modern school gate was constructed by the old boy.

One of the alumni with students.

He called upon all the school old boys to join the association as a way of giving back to the institution and also assisting the young learners realise their dreams.

The association gave out cash awards and trophies to the teachers and students who excelled in various activities — both in academics and co-curricular.

The event was graced by Justice Francis Andai as chief speaker who is also the school alumni among other notable personality in the various professionals.

By Richard Sichangi

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