Murang’a partners with NGO to feed school children in pilot programme

Murang'a County Assembly Chief Whip Morris Thuku supervises the school feeding programnme, which has been possible through the county government's partnership with an NGO.

Murang’a County Government has partnered with an NGO, Food  for Education, to upscale a  porridge programme to provide primary school pupils lunch.

The pact between the county government and  the NGO is being piloted in St Marys, Makomboki, Thaara, Kirungu, and Kanyenyaini.

Others are Muthiria, Kiriaini, Wanjerere, Kiriaini and Gikuu Primary  schools, which were the latest to be enrolled after the parents showed interest.

Already, 10 primary schools have been enrolled in the feeding programme where parents pay Ksh10 for their children  to enjoy the meal.

Governor Irungu Kang’ata said  the feeding programme has been introduced in selected primary  schools in efforts to improve standards of education.

At Kiriaini Primary  School, Murang’a County Assembly Chief Whip Morris Thuku supervised the programme which he said was designed to help improve learning.

“I was impressed by the impact the programme is having since the school realized 100 per cent school attendance the last 2 days,” said Thuku.

He said 10 new pupils had expressed interest  to transfer from neighbouring primary schools so as to be part of the amazing programme.


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By correspondent 

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