Murang’a Assembly decries instructor, equipment shortage in youth Polys

Murang'a Governor Irungu Kang'ata

The Murang’a County Assembly has expressed deep concern over the plight of polytechnics in the region, highlighting a grim scenario of closures due to a shortage of instructors and inadequate teaching equipment.

In a motion spearheaded by Gitugi MCA Edwin Wairagu, the assembly conveyed sympathy for both instructors and students grappling with these challenges.

Wairagu underscored the dire situation, revealing that certain institutions had ceased operations due to lack of essential resources.

Consequently, the assembly passed a resolution urging the executive to allocate a substantial sum of Ksh. 80 million for the recruitment of instructors and the procurement of necessary equipment.

Wairagu lamented the meager allocation of Ksh. 13 million to the tertiary sector, emphasizing the sector’s pivotal role in youth transformation and employability.

Kahumbiu MCA Chefman Isaac Njoroge echoed these sentiments, proposing that polytechnics introduce marketable courses beyond traditional disciplines like masonry and carpentry.

He particularly advocated for the inclusion of agribusiness courses to address food security concerns.

Chefman stressed the importance of expanding course offerings to include plumbing, tiling, and electrical courses to attract more students.

Majority Leader Kibe Wa Sarry emphasized the assembly’s commitment to finding solutions for the challenges faced by polytechnics.

He cited ongoing efforts to address staffing issues at Ithiru polytechnics through the recruitment of 56 instructors for electricians, hairdressing, and plumbing.

Makau Ndunda, the Ithanga MCA, expressed regret over a training center in his ward offering driving courses with an incompetent instructor lacking a valid license.

He advocated for a curriculum overhaul and a rebranding of polytechnics to enhance their appeal to students.

Mugumo ini MCA Alex Wanyoike called for the support of automobile engineering, proposing the establishment of a center for repairing and maintaining the county government fleet to equip youth with relevant skills.

By our reporter

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