Mukuuni High School closed over suspected cholera outbreak

Mukuuni Boys High School in Chuka/Igambang’ombe Constituency, Tharaka Nithi County has been closed indefinitely due to fear of cholera outbreak at the institution.

County Director of Education, Bridget Wambua, said the school was closed yesterday after several students developed stomach pains and diarrhea from last week which is feared to be cholera.

She said the situation went from bad to worse at the beginning of this week when at least three students were admitted in hospital and 40 others affected.

She said on Monday that more students started to complain of stomach discomfort with some being taken to the hospital where they were treated and discharged before returning to school.

“This week, three students were admitted at Chuka Cottage Hospital. One has already been discharged and allowed to go home while the other two are still undergoing treatment.

“The school was closed indefinitely when the situation worsened. We fear there is cholera outbreak due to the symptoms exhibited by the affected students,”  said Ms. Wambua.

She said they suspect the water that is being used in the school could have been contaminated by pipe breakages from road construction activities going on around the school.

She however noted the ministry did not have a conclusive report until the public health officers complete their investigations.

The school will be closed until next term when students are expected to sit for the end of term exams immediately they re-open.

By John Majau

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