MP’s Form Three son kills self using father’s gun

By Allan Kibet

The son of the nominated Member of Parliament representing People with Disabilities (PWD), David Ole Sankok, shot himself using his father’s gun.

The boy who died on the spot due to the gunshot wound which were sustained after he shot himself in the head was a form three student.

While confirming the incident, County Criminal Investigations Officer (CCIO) for Narok County, Mwenda Ethaiba, said the 15-year old shot himself at around 3pm on Monday.

Mwenda further said that they are trying to investigate what might have triggered the boy’s action but he also revealed that the deceased had an issue with school; which the family had resorted to discuss later in the day.

“The issue of the minor going back to school was discussed in the morning and the father went to meet some friends at Ewaso Nyiro trading center. As he was meeting the people, the incident happened,” said the CCIO.

The controvertial MP has this morning been summoned by the Department of Criminal Investigations (DCI) in Nairobi to explain as to how the minor gained access to the shortgun which is reportedly to have been in the MP’s bedroom.

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