MP starts foundation to pay fees for needy students

By Asa Maina

Kieni MP Kanini Kega has started a foundation that will pay school fees for needy but bright children from his constituency.

The foundation named Imani Foundation will help bright children from less fortunate families continue with their education.

The MP said most bright children fail to join secondary schools or universities and therefore end up not realizing their goals in life.

“Bright children end up being idlers in the villages or drugs and substance abusers”, he said.

Kega said the new foundation will pull together resources and ensure needy but bright learners are educated from secondary school to the university.

“The fund can start by assisting children who did their KCPE and KCSE this year, who would not have ordinarily made it to secondary school or university due to financial constraints,” he said.

This he said will enable a good number of children from the constituency to pursue their dreams in life.

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