MP prioritizes on building infrastructure in schools

By Oanga Oyugi

Bomachoge Borabu Member of Parliament Prof. Zadock Ogutu has shelved plans to purchase more buses for schools in his constituency saying students were missing other essential requirements like classrooms, dormitories and libraries.

Prof. Ogutu said that there was no need to spend millions of shillings on buying buses because the roads in the area were in a pathetic state and needed urgent attention.

He added that the seven buses he had already purchased have been maintained well to serve the region for education trips.

Speaking at the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) offices at Kenyenya, Prof Ogutu said that he has managed to construct seven centres of excellence at Emesa, Ritembu, Ichuni, Metembe, Nyamesocho, Mokomoni and Kiabugesi. Eberege, St.Augustine Mogenda and Mobirona schools have constructions ongoing and are expected to be completed before the end of this year.

Bomachoge Borabu constituency consists of four wards namely Magenche, Bokimonge, Bombaba and Boochi where the MP has managed to work on education, roads, security and electricity connectivity across the region.

So far, the area has seen a number of roads like Mogonga- Kenyenya, Kenyenya town- Kenyenya TTC, Kenyenya- Nyabitunwa and Kenyenya Magenche being tarmacked while Mariba- Eberege is ongoing.

The MP said that electricity projects were going on with total maximization. The electricity connectivity in his constituency has increased to 84% up from 20% during his tenure. 

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