MP pledges to improve school facilities

By Enock Okong’o 

The NG-CDF will continue to complement the Ministry of Education in the improvement of all schools in Kitutu Masaba Constituency, area MP Shadrack Mose has said.

Speaking in the constituency during the inspection of education projects, he asked members of his fund committee to be non-partisan as they distributed the money for development projects.

The MP said that he had directed that each school in the constituency received more than one million shillings to complete the projects. 

He said he prioritized the renovation of the available classrooms for primary schools to make them conducive for the young learners.

“We have to use the little available resources in improving the classrooms to accommodate the young pupils who can’t withstand the harsh weather conditions,” he said.

The MP said he was horrified to see children housed in ragged buildings and poorly ventilated classrooms that are a risk to learners.

During the inspections tour, Mose oversaw the issuance of cheques worth Ksh. 7 million to schools in Manga Ward. 

The primary schools that benefited are Nyaisa, Manga and Ikobe, while the secondary schools that received Ksh. 1.2 million each include Sengera-Manga, Ikobe, Tombe Mixed and Moromba.

The NG-CDF Committee instructed that the main parts to be renovated are the painting or removal of iron sheets, replacement of worn-out doors and windows, and construction of modern pit latrines.

The MP cautioned various school management committees against using the funds for purposes not intended.

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