MP launches Ksh68M facelift programme for Thika schools

Thika MP Alice Ng'ang'a with Jamhuri Secondary students during the function.

Thika sub-county has allocated Ksh68 million to facilitate the massive renovation of dilapidated schools in a move aimed at enhancing education standards and learners’ academic performance.

Area MP, Alice Ng’ang’a, said that the schools will be upgraded from their lowly status following an outcry from learners and parents whose institutions have lay in a sorry state for decades.

Among others, the benefitting schools will see their classrooms renovated, new laboratories and ablution blocks constructed while others will have their playfields leveled and upgraded to facilitate co-curricular activities among learners.

Speaking at Powerline Primary School where she commissioned the construction of four modern classrooms at the tune of Ksh14 million, the MP regretted that the poor state of some public schools had occasioned absenteeism and dismal performance among learners.

She noted that some institutions in the constituency lacked basic classrooms and sanitary facilities, leading to a poor learning environment that has subjected learners to poor performance during examinations.

The lawmaker called for cooperation between her office and parents for faster actualization of the projects.

“We have a duty, irrespective of scarcity of resources, to motivate and give our learners the best. I will work with the Ministry of Education to help us build some infrastructure because the NG-CDF is not enough,” she said.

Among the institutions that are set to undergo renovations are Munyu Mixed Secondary School and Queen of Rosary Secondary Schools which have been granted Ksh5.8 and Ksh8.35 million respectively among others.

Ngoliba Ward MCA Joakim Njama, who joined the MP during the launch of the projects, revealed that Powerline Primary has been derelict for decades owing to extreme poverty among parents.

Njama said that the county will replicate the school’s development plan by constructing two ECDE classrooms to facilitate early childhood development.

“As a county, we are working closely with the national government to better the learning environment of learners. We will build two modern ECDE centres to supplement what the national government is doing,” said Njama.

Parents who spoke to journalists welcomed the development saying infrastructural growth of schools is key to boosting the academic performance of their children.

Also present during the function was Gatuanyaga MCA Jackson Kung’u.

By Kamau Njoroge

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