MP defends construction of storey buildings in schools

Denis Lumiti 

Ikolomani Member of Parliament Benard Shinali has defended the construction of storey tuition blocks in schools in the constituency, saying it was meant to promote academic standards.

Shinali said the storey blocks had improved enrolment in both primary and  secondary schools in the past eight years.

He said many schools grappled with inadequate land, adding  that the storey buildings had helped to decongest the learning facilities.

“I am told some of my opponents are opposed to the putting up of storey learning classrooms in our institutions claiming  it was a waste of resources and not a priority,” noted the MP.

“That is laughable because we have managed to address the problems of congestion in our classrooms, and enhanced enrolment in schools.” he added.

Shinali was speaking at Shiduha Primary and Secondary schools in his constituency when he toured the two institutions. 

He promised to renovate and expand the two schools and put up a boarding wing in the secondary section.

He said some learning institutions in the constituency had been unable to acquire parcels of land from their neighbourhoods for expansion due to lack of resources. 

He said other neighbours refused to sell their lands to the schools a fact that stagnated their expansion programmes.

The legislator said they had put up storey learning blocks in over twenty-five schools so far and that several others will be launched and completed soon.

“This is one of my signature projects and that is why I need another term to see it to fruition,” he said. He added that the learning facilities were safe for use by the learners.

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