MP builds 7 schools for his constituents to boost education

St Peter's Maweni Girls in Suna West Constituency.

By Achieng’ Omburo

Suna West Member of Parliament transformation agenda on education sector has seen his administration register brand new schools to make education accessible across the constituency.

The legislature Masara Peter through the NG- CDF in the financial year 2023/2024 has lobbied for the registration of two new secondary schools and five primary schools which include St. Peter’s Maweni Girls and St.Peter’s Giribe Mixed Secondary schools. Primary schools are Manya, Marindi, Ombo Dago, Surmina and Omwomore.

“I’m glad to inform you that we have two new secondary schools and five new primary schools in Suna west Constituency registered under this financial year with land purchases of over Ksh1 million. Already construction is underway,” said Masara.
Masara’s remarkable strategic plan of advancing infrastructure for educational stability thrives vividly in the undergoing architectural construction of at least two classrooms in each of the five primary schools fully funded by NG-CDF.


Masara uplifts education sector in Suna West in his first term in office

St Peter’s Maweni Girls and St Peter’s Giribe Mixed located in Wasimbete Ward add up to the number of Suna West education investments establishment anchored in the collective commitment of heeding to its constituents needs.

The Suna West community gearing into embracing infrastructural development aimed at empowering and safeguarding their children’s right to education has donated lands evident that robust public participation was incorporated in achieving these notable goals of curbing illiteracy.

“I extend my gratitude to the board members that have worked tirelessly to ensure we achieve our goal and also applaud the community for land donation in the collective responsibility of transforming education in Suna West,” added the MP.

The massive birth of new centres of education contributes to the visionary goal of ensuring Suna West continue progressing and ascend the ladder of academic excellence nationwide through deliberate measures in education investments.

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