MP asks gov’t to re-construct schools submerged by floods

By Talarus Chesang

Government has been urged to urgently release funds for re-construction of schools destroyed by floods in Baringo South Sub-county.

Area Member of Parliament (MP) Charles Kamuren says learning is yet to resume in six submerged schools around lakes Baringo, 94 and Bogoria.

“It is now one year since the ministry promised to release Sh19.5 billion funds to resettle the learners affected by floods in the country which hasn’t been fulfilled to date” Kamuren said.

He listed over 10 most affected schools in his constituency among them Ng’ambo, Kiserian, Noosukro, Kampi ya Samaki, Kokwo primary and Secondary Schools and Loruk in Baringo North. 

Others are Salabani, Ng’enyin, Noosukro, Rugus, Lorok, Leswa and Sintaan primary schools.

“No single cent has so far been wired to the bank accounts of the affected schools” Kamuren said adding that the learners are currently congested in nearby schools and studying in deplorable condition.

The MP was speaking while commissioning a classroom constructed by the National Government Constituency Development Fund (NG-CDF) at Marigat Integrated Day Secondary School.

He said some of the learners from the affected schools have been forced to study in tents and under trees after their classes were submerged.

The schools sub-merged as a result of the rising water levels in Lake Baringo, Bogoria and Lake 94 owing to heavy rains since May last year.

The legislator further said the situation may interfere with the enrollment of form one student in the submerged secondary schools.

Former Education PS Belio Kipsang announced the release of the funds while touring the disaster affected schools in August last year.

They were meant to benefit schools destroyed by floods in Baringo, West Pokot, Elgeiyo Marakwet and Kisumu counties.

He promised that the government shall release the money immediately to reconstruct the schools to ensure the learners could study in a conducive environment.

Baringo South MP Charles Kamuren addressing while commissioning NG-CDF-constructed classroom at Marigat Integrated Day Secondary/ TALARUS CHESANG

Sub-merged structure at the flooded Kampi ya Samaki Secondary School on Baringo North Sub-county/ TALARUS CHESANG


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