Mombasa county to pay school fees for all day school students

Mombasa County Governor Abdullswamad Sherrif Nassir at a past forum.

Mombasa Governor Abdullswamad Sheriff Nassir has announced that his government will provide bursaries for all day secondary school students.

“Starting today, bursary forms will be provided in all day secondary schools,” he said.

He said that each student will be required to collect a copy of the bursary form and take it home for parents to fill out and once completed, the forms will be returned to the school.

Education officials from the county office will then collect the forms from the school and process the fee payments.

Abdullswamad said that the pilot project aims to benefit one student per parent initially and once it is deemed successful, the programme will be expanded next year.

The Governor has also made a promise that once the financial issues between the counties and the national government are resolved, all day schools in the county will be made free of charge.

The initiative is fantastic news for students and their families, as it will alleviate the burden of school fees hence reducing the number of those dropping out due to financial problems.

By Amos Kimutai

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