Mixed reactions over teachers’ requests to leave volatile North Eastern

Wajir South MP Mohamed Adow

Wajir South MP Mohamed Adow has called out the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) for ignoring requests by teachers, mostly non-local, in the North Eastern region to relocate due to insecurity mostly brought about by the terrorist outfit Al Shabaab.

The MP, who is a former journalist with BBC and Al-Jazeera, said that teachers posted in the area have been camping at TSC headquarters and local offices seeking transfers but their demands have been falling on deaf ears.

In a video seen by Education News, the teachers said that the presence of the military and their vehicles following them all the time was a testament that the area was volatile and not safe enough for them and learners.

“We are escorted everywhere with military vehicles as if we are in possession of narcotics. When travelling, we have to be followed by an armoured military truck. This is unacceptable,” said one of the teachers.

Eldas MP Dr. Adan Keynan agreed with the teachers but noted that teachers are mandated to serve anywhere in the country and that insecurity is not a problem exclusive to the region.

He, however, added that the insecurity issue bolsters their bid to find a local solution to the perennial challenge.

Dr. Keynan observed that the situation has led many residents who were teachers to shun the profession and look for greener pastures elsewhere.

Recently, when the National Assembly Departmental Committee on Education summoned TSC CEO Nancy Macharia, Luanda MP Dick Maungu wondered how traumatized teachers could deliver in class to learners while Mandera South MP Haro Abdul wondered how much time teachers spent with learners given that most of their time is spent following up on transfers.

By Amoto Ndiewo

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