Mixed reactions as the lost Embu twin students found

By Brian Malila

Form two twin boys from Embu county who got lost on Tuesday under unclear circumstances have been found safe and in good condition.

According to the police the two, Leon Macharia and Ryan Mwenda, 15, were found in Juja in Kiambu County, about 80 kimometres from their home.

Confirming the incident, Embu West Subcounty Police Commander Julius Kyumbule said that the two said they were kidnapped by two men who gave them a lift and were taken to Kasarani when they were held for a few hours.

The boys told the police that they managed to sneak unnoticed from where they had been locked up and escaped to Ruiru where they sought help from an M-Pesa shop.

They then borrowed a mobile phone where they called their mother and told her their location.

The parents swiftly rushed to Ruiru where they picked the boys and dropped them at Itabua police station to record statements and for questioning.

However the police have ruled out the issue of kidnapping.

“The boys are lying. They had fled home but they want us to believe that they had been kidnapped. We are investigating the issue further because their confessions do not hold water,” said Commander Kyumbule.

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