Misori fights back as calls for his resignation mount

Mukumu Girls
Akelo Misori, KUPPET Secretary General.

The Kenya Union of Post-Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) Secretary General Akelo Misori has defended himself as unrest among branch Executive Secretaries continues to grow over the calling off of the teachers’ strike on Monday.

Speaking recently while addressing the media, the union boss told off the branch bosses who had called for his resignation, pointing out that the decision was reached collectively by the National Executive Board (NEB).

“The mandate we executed was not the mandate of Akelo. Akelo speaks on behalf of the executive board,” he said.

Misori faulted the executive secretaries for playing double standards and misleading teachers, saying that the officials were the same individuals who had earlier authorized the board to negotiate with the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) and now they are critiquing the outcome.

“I must show leadership. Even if a decision is unpopular, it is better to make one than to make none. I am the one mandated to make these decisions,” he said.

The KUPPET boss maintained that the strike achieved a significant portion of its goals and that what remains unresolved is being addressed.

“We achieved the implementation of the CBA, reinstated the medical cover, secured a commitment on the employment of JSS teachers, and ensured the promotion of teachers. And I want to assure the teachers that we are going to pursue all the issues until every single demand is met,” he said.


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His sentiments come after a section of branch officials argued that the union constitution under Article 22(b), only accords the National Governing Council (NGC) the mandate to issue a notice of strike as well as calling it off urging that in a recent meeting, NGC had endorsed the continuation of the strike, a decision that was expected to guide the union’s actions.

Misori’s critics argue that the NEB overstepped its mandate by unilaterally calling off the strike. A virtual meeting, proposed by Misori to review the status of the strike, was never held, further fuelling the dissatisfaction.

By Vostine Ratemo

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