MIRUKA: Open University opportunity to break barriers limiting access to higher learning

university access
Prof. Ogutu Miruka, Director, School of Business and Management Studies at The Technical University of Kenya.

As Kenya embraces a transformative shift in its education system through the implementation of the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC), the introduction of the Open University of Kenya (OUK) is welcome as it levels the playing field for all to access education.

It emerges as a timely and transformative force to meet the needs of bulging numbers of youth thirsting for higher education, not only complementing the changing education landscape but also standing as a beacon of hope for countless learners in our country.

Officially launched not long ago, OUK represents an education revolution as it aspires to democratize education, making it accessible to everyone regardless of their geographical location, financial situation, or academic history.

The objectives of OUK are rooted in the principles of inclusivity, accessibility, and relevance. These fundamental goals define OUK’s mission and resonate deeply with Kenya’s aspirations in education.


At its core, OUK is committed to breaking down the traditional barriers to education. It envisions a Kenya where every individual, regardless of age, gender, socioeconomic status, or location, has the opportunity to access higher education. In a nation known for its rich cultural diversity, this inclusivity ensures that every voice is heard and every dream has a chance to be realized.


OUK leverages the power of technology to bring education closer to all. This accessibility is especially significant in a country where disparities in infrastructure and resources can limit opportunities. Through OUK’s online platform, education becomes accessible even in the most remote corners of Kenya.


OUK is acutely aware of the evolving demands of the job market. Its programmes are meticulously designed to equip students with practical skills and competencies, mirroring Kenya’s shift to the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC). OUK graduates are not just armed with degrees but with the abilities and competencies that the job market seeks.

To achieve its objectives, OUK adheres to a set of guiding principles that define its approach.

Open Access

OUK throws open its doors to all without discrimination. It believes that education should be a universal right, not a privilege determined by one’s circumstances.


Recognizing that learners have diverse needs and commitments, OUK’s flexible learning model allows students to study at their own pace, accommodating individual circumstances. This flexibility fosters a culture of lifelong learning.


OUK maintains unwavering standards of academic excellence. Its courses are developed and delivered by highly qualified personnel, ensuring that students receive a world-class education.


In a world increasingly shaped by technology, OUK harnesses its power to deliver education by facilitating access and preparing students for a digital-centric future, aligning with Kenya’s vision of a tech-savvy workforce.

Along all these structures, OUK stands as a natural ally to the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) implementation and functionality.

OUK not only empowers individual learners but also contributes significantly to the socio-economic progress and development of Kenya as a whole.

With OUK leading the way, Kenya’s journey towards a knowledge-based society and a thriving economy is on a promising trajectory.

By Prof. Ogutu Miruka

Prof. Miruka is the Director, School of Business and Management Studies at The Technical University of Kenya. He can be reached at miruka.gem@gmail.com or @Gills_Kenya on X (formerly Twitter).

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