Ministry to propose creation of new education zones

By Obegi Malack

The Ministry of Education has proposed the establishment of new education zones owing to the increased number of schools in the country.

In a letter dated February 21, 2023 addressed to Regional, County and Sub Counties Directors of Education signed by Hassan Duale on behalf of Education Permanent Secretary, Belio Kipsang has instructed the officers to prepare a list of existing education zones in the country based on counties and sub counties.

The PS also indicated that there has been creation of new administrative units which has changed administrative boundaries. The directors are thus required to suggest proper mapping of the education zones to reflect the new locations.

They are required to submit the data to the Director of Field Coordination and Co-curricular Activities by February 27, 2023.

Educational zones are the lowest educational unit in the country, the zones are supposed to be manned by Zonal Education and Quality Assurance Officers but due to natural attrition and lack of replacement, the ministry staff are now at the sub county level.

This development mirrors what the Teachers Service Commission has its organizational structure. They are identified as Curriculum Support Officers who number about 6,000 across the country.


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