Milemba chased away by teachers over support for Finance Bill 2023

The Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) Chairman Omboko Milemba was chased away by teachers after a confrontation on Sunday due to his support for the Finance Bill 2023.

Milemba, who is also Emuhaya MP, had attended a secondary school teachers’ sports tournament accompanied with the union Secretary General Akelo Misori at Tom Mboya University in Homa Bay town when the incident occurred.

He had graced the podium to introduce the final football match when he said, “I am Omboko Milemba who voted Yes for the Finance Bill.”

The statement agitated teachers who started booing him and heckling, accusing him of betraying them by supporting the Bill, which they said will make life unbearable for them.

They threatened to lynch him and swore that the games would not continue if he stays at the venue.

The chaos lasted for 15 minutes with the branch Chairman Jack Okoth trying to calm down the teachers before Milemba quickly drove away.

Some teachers threw stones as he left forcing his bodyguards to shoot in the air to restrain the teachers.

Misori condemned the incident saying and urged the teachers to exercise tolerance in such situations.

“What the teachers have done is uncalled for. The Bill in contention is going to make life difficult and everybody is aggrieved. It is wrong for the teachers to vent their anger against the Chairman.” The Secretary General said.

By Vostine Ratemo

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