Migori girl who resisted FGM scores 405 marks in KCPE

Teachers, parents and pupils celebrate their best results in Migori. A girl resisted FGM to later score 405 marks.

A young girl in Kehancha, Migori County, resisted allurement into Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) to score 405 marks in the 2023 KCPE.

Lucy Chacha narrated how she resisted the temptation to be circumcised like many of her peers.

“I used to get peer pressure for me to be cut. But I got a lot of support from my family which does not support FGM,” Lucy said.

Lucy, who aspires to be a doctor, advises fellow candidates not to forget to pray always and put God first. She hopes to join Kenya High School.

Hellen Mwita, her mother, was overjoyed, acknowledging that the teachers played a big role in her daughter’s success.

“We thank the teachers for creating time and guiding our children. I’m impressed with her results. Today she has shown us the best,” Mwita said.

She expected her daughter to get such results, saying she has been working hard in school and stood by her principles.

However, the highest achiever in the county was Jeremy Junior Bwana of Shiners Academy in Rongo Sub-county.

Victor Bwana, Jeremy’s father, shared the family’s elation, expressing gratitude to God for the outstanding results.

Bwana highlighted Jeremy’s aspiration to become a software engineer, attributing his son’s remarkable performance to this career ambition.

Momokoro Academy, which has been topping the county rankings in past results, emerged second. Nonetheless, it managed to top the county’s quality marks with three above 400 marks.

In another noteworthy achievement, Rosehill Academy excelled in its second attempt at the national exams, exhibiting a positive deviation of 26.

Public schools were also not far behind as Migori Primary School had four of its candidates scoring above 400 marks.

With the highest number of registered candidates in the county at 455, the top pupil scored 413 marks, whereas the second got 405 marks.

The school Head teacher Moses Maranda said last year, they had a mean of 306. He believes that when the results are compiled, they will get a higher mean grade, complaining that there was too much moderation of the results.

“Moderation that KNEC did was too much and did not give us the exact results we expected,” Maranda said.

Assar Johanson Primary School, which is also a public school, had its top student getting 406 marks.

Here is a list of top performers in the county:

  1. Kenya Relief – 386 (Suna West)
  2. Momokoro Academy – 385 (Kuria West)
  3. Pentagon Academy – 377 (Suna West)
  4. Blue Shine Academy – 377.4 (Suna East)
  5. Rapogi Lwanda Complex – 376.053 (Uriri)
  6. Ogada Progressive Academy – 365.12 (Suna West)
  7. Ranen Adventist Boarding School – 364.14 (Awendo)
  8. Harvard Junior Academy – 336.61 (Suna East)
  9. Rose Hill School – 313 (Suna East)

Top 30 students against their respective sub-counties:

  1. Hope Anyango- 417. Kenya Relief Academy – Suna West
  2. Mary Buchere- 416. Kenya Relief Academy – Suna West
  3. Jeremy Junior Bwana, 415. Shiners Academy – Rongo
  4. Arull Oduk- 415. Kenya Relief Academy – Suna West
  5. Yahya Ramadhan- 413. Migori Primary – Suna West
  6. Ashley Moraa- 413. Kenya Relief Academy – Suna West
  7. Phelistus Mokami- 412. Nyabirongo Girls Boarding- Kuria West
  8. Griffin Onyango- 412. Sony Primary School- Awendo
  9. Rebecca Barongo Ontita- 411. Nyabirongo Girls Boarding- Kuria West
  10. Arsha Joina Okinyi- 410. Nyabirongo Girls Boarding- Kuria West
  11. Venesa Barret Ochieng’- 409. Nyabirongo Girls Boarding- Kuria West
  12. Ruth Kemunto- 408. Blue Shine Academy, Suna East
  13. John Paul- 408. Blue Shine Academy- Suna East
  14. Cindy Rozzinah Akinyi- 407. Ranen Adventist Primary
  15. Fidel Castro- 407. Rongo Shiners Academy- Rongo
  16. Genevi Nnaji- 405. Ngege Primary- Suna East
  17. Lucy Chacha- 405. Momokoro Academy- Kuria West
  18. Joyce Aluoch Odila- 405. Nyabirongo Girls Boarding- Kuria West
  19. Janet Becky Okinyi- 403. Nyabirongo Girls Boarding- Kuria West
  20. Vin Claudy- 403. Momokoro Academy- Kuria West
  21. Bery Jepkosgei- 402. Ranen Adventist Primary
  22. Roy Maxwell- 401. Goshen Learning Center- Rongo
  23. Lynn Marcia- 401. Goshen Learning Center- Rongo
  24. Bradley Otieno- 401. Goshen Learning Center- Rongo
  25. Emmanuel Castro- 400. St Benedict Parochial School- Suna West
  26. Nancy Maseke- 400. Momokoro Academy- Kuria West
  27. Willis Elton- 399. Rapogi Lwanda- Uriri
  28. Seamus Omwita- 399. Momokoro Academy- Kuria West
  29. Nickanor Onyango- 394. Luoro Primary School- Uriri
  30. Jane Finely- 394. Luoro Primary School Uriri- Uriri

By Polycarp Ochieng

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