Meru Police launch manhunt for man who murdered 4-year old daughter

Police officers in Imenti North sub-county, Meru County have launched a manhunt for a man who brutally murdered his four-year old daughter following a domestic dispute with his wife.

The suspect escaped immediately after the heinous incident and is still at large.

The deceased was an Early Childhood Development and Education (ECDE) pupil at a private school in Meru town.

According to a close relative, the young couple has been having misunderstandings for some time now with parents from both sides intervening regularly to reconcile them.

During the fateful day, the parents held a meeting to reconcile the couple but left in the evening after the talks hit a dead end.

“The parents tried unsuccessfully to reconcile the couple but left after they failed to reconcile them,” said the relative.

She said more trouble started after the parents left but each partner claimed custody of the child.

The father grabbed the child and tried to run away but the wife managed to outrun him and closed the gate to the plot.

She narrated that this angered the father who banged the child on the concrete floor killing the minor on the spot.

“The husband later attacked the wife and even tried to strangle her. She suffered several bites on her neck,” she said.

She said a neighbour who heard and responded to the commotion raised alarm but the husband managed to escape before residents arrived at the scene.

The body of the deceased was taken to Meru Level 5 Hospital Mortuary awaiting postmortem.

By John Majau

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