Meru National Polytechnic emerges winner in Mt. Kenya KATTI fair

By Asa Maina

The Meru National Polytechnic has emerged the best overall winner in the just concluded Kenya Association of Technical Training Institute (KATTI) Mt Kenya regional TVET fair and robotic contest that was hosted by the Nyeri National Polytechnic at the Whispers Park in Nyeri town.

This year’s contest was themed, “TVET for Economic Development: the role of science, technology and innovation in the Covid-19 era.”

Jeremiah Nyagah Technical Institute followed closely at position two while Nyeri National Polytechnic came third.

Meru National Polytechnic also emerged the first in the robotic category and was followed closely by Kiirua Technical Training Institute and Runyenjes technical and vocational college at second and third positions respectively.

The institution also came third in the automotive category behind Nyeri National Polytechnic and Jeremiah Nyagah Technical institute which came first and second respectively.

In the food and beverage category, the institution showcased innovation in the value addition of tamarind.

Ramwel Nguyo Ambuto, a diploma student in catering and accommodation, said they ground tamarind seeds to get flour used to make juice, paste, cakes, sauce and porridge among other  products.

He said one first acquires the fruit seeds, dries them then mashes them using a pestle and mortar to remove the pulp.

“It is then grounded to give tamarind flour which we use to make various products,” he said.

The flour is blended with other flour depending on what one wants to prepare.

“Tamarind has antiviral properties which can be used in the mitigation of viral attacks such as Covid-19.It has magnesium which helps in nerves and muscles functioning, potassium which helps people suffering from hypertension and nicotinic acid  which is essential in the prevention of pellagra.” He said.

Tamarind only helps in the management of diabetes.

The TVET fair coordinator from Ndia Technical and Vocational College, Veronica Cheg, urged the teams which will be proceeding for competition at National level to prepare well so that the Mt. Kenya region emerges the winner.

The Meru National Polytechnic is located in Meru county along the Meru-Nanyuki highway.

The institution was established in 1956 as Gitoro Technical by the Meru County Council to train the youth in various practical skills.

In 1964, the regional education office took over the school and it became the Meru Technical School offering two year duration courses.

In 1969, the school was upgraded to a Technical Vocational Training School and course duration extended to three years. 

In 1973, the school was upgraded to a technical training school. In May 1986 after secondary cycle started being phased out, the institution became a Technical Training Institute.

In 2016, the institution was upgraded from the Meru Technical Training Institute to the Meru National Polytechnic.

The Polytechnic offers 3 Higher Diploma Courses, more than 25 Diploma courses, 31 Craft courses and 6 Artisan courses. It has 225 Teaching Staff , 125 Non-Teaching Staff  and a student population of about 8,000.

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