Meru National Polytechnic elevated to a Centre of Excellence

By John Majau

The Meru National Polytechnic fraternity has a reason to smile after the institution was elevated to a regional centre of excellence in building technology courtesy of the Sh1.5 billion World Bank grant meant to enhance training.
Vocational and Technical Training PS Dr Kevit Desai said that the fund is geared towards strengthening regional flagship institutions that train skilled workers in priority sectors.
To add icing to the cake the Meru County Government promised to enroll 500 Meru Youth Service recruits to pursue different courses at the college in a bid to acquire expertise in skilled labour.
This will enable them get employment in the devolved unit or other sectors bearing in mind that several leaders in the entire Meru County led by Governor Kiraitu Murungi have raised the red flag over the acute shortage of skilled labour in the area, forcing them to hire foreigners instead of employing the unqualified locals.
Meru County Education Executive Officer Linah Nkirote said all the Sub County trainers will join the institution for refresher course aimed to familiarise them with the modern machines and equipment.
The two were speaking at the Meru National Polytechnic during a round table meeting of Meru County,Building and Construction stakeholders.
They promised to work harmoniously with all the education stakeholders in order to ensure that they meet their set goals, noting that without unity of purpose no development can be realised in any society regardless of the potential it possesses.
The Vocational and Technical Training PS said the ministry and the World Bank identified institutions for elevation.
He said that the centres of excellence will concentrate on infrastructure, transport, energy and light manufacturing courses.
“The fund will strengthen regional flagship institutions that train skilled workers in priority sectors. The aim is to produce skills relevant for the achievement of Vision 2030 and the ‘Big Four agenda. The ministry in conjunction with the World Bank identified institutions for elevation”, the PS said.
He said the institution will build competencies and transfer skills among graduates adding that the project is focused on building and housing sectors in line with Kenya’s ambitions.

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