Mentorship group equips freshers-to-be with survival skills

By Enock Okong’o

Students joining various Universities later this year have received orientation tips to enable them cope with the new learning environment.

Speaking to the participants at Kerera location in Kisii County, Mrs Eunice Moraa who is an officer of students affairs at Technical University of Kenya said that most students fall victim to crime and other vices by ignorantly joining questionable company at the University.

“We decided to hold this session to give learners a heads-up on the tempting lives in institutions of higher learning,” she said.

Mrs. Moraa said that during the course, the learners were informed on basic life skills, how to detect and avoid bad company and how to spend wisely.

The officer asked the learners to live according to their financial capability instead of imitating expensive lifestyles that will leave them broke and depressed.

She told them to instead join advisory groups like the Christian Union, Community outreach groups and business research groups that will enrich their minds.

Moraa promised that her group will continue to create awareness with the mentorship programmes and find ways to reach more students.

During the course, 95 pre-University students received mentorship certificates that will empower them to be the ambassadors of discipline in their colleges.

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