MCAs want miraa trade outlawed

By Hilton Mwabili

An alarming consumption of Muguka (khat) in Mombasa by young people including some students has caught the attention of Mombasa County Assembly which is now mooting plans to impose regulations on sale and consumption of the stimulant.
Muguka is a stimulant plant consumed by chewing its.
It is however less expensive than miraa meaning with just a few coins, it can be accessed in huge quantities by young people including students with ease.
Mombasa MCA are concerned that a majority of youths in the county spend most of their time consuming the substance, which impact negatively on their lives and general social development in the county.
It is now feared that the trend could trigger crisis among in the future generations.
“The consumption of this plant is getting out of hand, the numbers of young people getting addicted to the stimulant daily are very worrying”, said Mikindani MCA Renson Thoya.

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