Nyamira MCAs Meet Education CS,pledge support for the Govt


Nyamira MCAs have affirmed their support for the government in order to bolster development in the education sector and other areas.

Over 14 MCAs visited education, Cabinet Secretary Ezekiel Machogu in his office on Thursday 13 said they had come to find ways to bolster education activities in their wards.

They promised unwavering support for the CS and the government at large.

The MCs thanked the education Machogu for the warm reception he accorded them at his Nairobi office.

The MCAs led by the Assembly speaker Enock Okero and his deputy Robinson Mocheche said they visited the CS with the objective distance themselves from the recent demonstrations by the opposition.

The MCAs stated that their focus was on development and had no room to replace development plans for their electorates with chaos.

Duke Masira who is the Nyamira County Assembly Majority leader revealed that his entourage discussed several development projects with the CS that ranged from the improvement of schools’ infrastructure in the area to the possibility of initiating a feeding program in all public primary schools from the region.

They appealed to the government to upgrade Nyamira Medical Training College into a University in order to take quality education services nearer to residents.

“We asked the CS to make a follow-up on the proposed Kiabonyoru University and tell us the way forward for adequate plans to set the institution up.” Said Masira.

The legislators pledged their unwavering support to the CS and the government at large.

On his part, the CS told the MCAs to take the lead in informing other leaders to embrace peace for the quick development of this county.

“Our people should learn to approach pertinent issues amicably instead of dragging our children into hooliganism that ends up claiming their lives.”He said.

The CS reiterated the government’s effort to recover the economy of this country and asked people of goodwill to support the government of the day to enable it to deliver the promises it made to the electorate.

By Enock Okong’o.

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