MCAs reject move to devolve funding of primary schools

By Obegi Malack

Nyandarua Members of County Assembly (MCAs) have rejected a motion to have public schools funded by the County Government.
The MCAs unanimously rejected a motion to manage the schools claiming the responsibility of repairing the schools should remain with the National Government since it is a huge task and the county lacks capacity to handle it.
The motion had been tabled by Gathioiro Ward representative Sambigi Mukuria who said the national government had failed to maintain infrastructure in the schools and they are now falling apart.
The MCA, who is also chairman Education Committee, said pupils are learning in unhygienic conditions and some mixed schools were forcing students to share toilets.
He said Gathiriga Primary is a good example of a school which has never been expanded since colonial times, adding that parents have been forced to enroll their children in private schools with better facilities.
Nominated MCA Milka Wanjigi had rejected the motion saying the money allocated to the county was Sh5 billion which was too little and it was impossible to allocate it to education sector.
“Let us manage our polytechnics and ECDEs before we turn to primary schools,” she said.
The MCA said if the function is fully devolved, the county will be given more money but the motion will not lead to full control of the sector.

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