MCA sentenced to jail over forging academic certificate

By Mutuvi Janet

Former Member of County Assembly (MCA) of Kiamwangi ward in Kiambu County, Robert Kibe Githongo has been sentenced to jail over presentation of a fake Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) certificate and other academic documents which he claimed were issued by the Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC).

The MCA was ordered by the Milimani Anti-Corruption Court Senior Principal Magistrate, Peter Ooko to submit a fine of Ksh500,000 over forgery of academic papers or face a jail term of 4 years.

Githongo was charged with presenting the fake KCSE certificate on December 29, 2014 at the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology. For this count, he is to serve 2 years in jail or in default pay a fine of Ksh250,000

He was further charged with the offence of presenting false documents contrary to section 353 of the Penal Code of which he was sentenced to serve 2 years in jail or in default pay a fine of Ksh250,000.

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