MCA decries high number of students dropping school to join bodaboda business


Bokimonge Ward Member of County Assembly (MCA) has decried the high number of students who drop out of school to join the bodaboda business.

Speaking at the ward in Bomachoge Borabu Constituency, Amos Onderi attributed the vice to parents who are no longer role models to their children.

“We must commit as adults must not to display ill manners to our children including waking up, sleeping in pubs and other questionable behaviours,” he said.

Onderi lamented the small number of students who enrolled in local technical training institutes such as Kenyenya, Riamo, Bombaba and Nyansembe which he said had a lot of underutilized facilities.

He asked the community policing groups, Chiefs and their assistants to sensitize the youth to join the institutions to gain sustainable skills.

Kisii County nominated Senator Essy Okenyuri urged bodaboda riders to acquire sufficient training before entering the business.

“I would like to ask our youth if they have chosen the bodaboda business to train well before joining the industry,” she said.

Senator Essy Okenyuri. Photo Enock Okongo

The Lawmaker mourned Evans Mokebo who perished in a bodaboda accident.

She urged them to join local institutions to diverse into other businesses rather than congesting the bodaboda business.

Okenyuri asked them form groups to enable them get government funds like the youth enterprise fund to enable them start their own businesses.

By Enock Okong’o

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