Maruti, Gekendo, Gekano to represent Nyamira in Regional games

Matutu PAG Secondary School footballers are the new champions in Nyamira county after they edged out St. Paul’s Gekano with a 1-0 score during first half.

Gekendo School emerged the winners in the girls’ category when they sent Tombe Girls home packing with a 2-0 win.

In Volleyball St. Paul’s Gekano Boys taught Nyansiongo a lesson when they thrashed them while Ikonge from North Mugirango constituency beat Sironga National 3 sets to 1.

On Friday, Kenyoro walloped Nyansiongo mercilessly in Basketball propelling them to the Regional level which will take place at Maranda High School in Siaya starting July 2.

Nyamira County Director of Education (CDE) Zachary Muiri commended all participants for exhibiting high discipline standards.

He called on parents to discover and encourage their children’s talents early enough to initiate holistic growth and development.

Revealing that his office has developed a strategy that will propel the county into a centre of sports excellence, Muiri appealed to stakeholders to support the programme for it to see light of day.

“I want this county to shine in sports and be a place where counties from the rest of the country come to bench mark,” he said.

Kenya Secondary Schools Heads Association (KESSHA) branch Chairman Job Oira congratulated participants and encouraged them to do their best to represent the county in the Regional tournament.

Oira regretted that Covid-19 had halted the sports but expressed hope that the games will revert to former glory.

He asked the teams that will proceed to the Regionals to use the opportunity to network and share ideas with colleagues from other schools.

By Enock Okong’o

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