Mariakani Commissioner decries excessive alcohol, drug abuse among youth

Mr. Dennis Baraka Mariakani Division Assistant County Commissioner

Assistant County Commissioner (ACC) of Mariakani Division in Kilifi County Dennis Barasa has expressed concern over excessive alcohol consumption and drug abuse among youth in the region.

Speaking during an interview with Education News at his office in Mariakani town, the ACC attributed the issue to idleness cautioning that it could lead to a destructive path, including engaging in criminal activities which would ultimately result in legal consequences.

In response to the crisis, Barasa urged the youth in the region to refrain from the said vices and instead enroll in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutions to acquire essential skills in various fields.

He noted that such a transition could empower them with self-employment opportunities.

In addition, Barasa appealed to parents in the region to instill good morals in their children to guide them toward a better life.

Furthermore, he emphasized the importance of ensuring that all school-age children, regardless of gender, receive an education.

He called upon county leaders to collaborate urgently to address this situation, emphasizing the need for a collective effort to combat this growing problem.

Barasa stressed that the county’s progress depends on an educated population capable of spearheading and executing community development projects.

By Tsozungu Kombe

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