Man held for defiling and impregnating school girl

By Erick Nyayiera

A 35-year old fisherman has been arrested for allegedly defiling and impregnating a 15-year old pupil in Rarieda Sub-County.

Julius Otieno Juma had reportedly been defiling the minor on several occasions since December last year.

Rarieda Sub County Police Commander Thomas Ototo told Education news that the suspect wasarrested at Osindo beach by the Kokwiri Sub Location Assistant Chief David Opola who handed him to the police for investigation.

“We are holding the suspect at Aram Police Station and he will be arraigned in court to face thelaw once we complete the investigations,” Ototo said. 

The police boss added that the minor is a class eight pupil studying in one of the primary schools

in the Sub County and is reported to have  conceived while in class seven but only disclosed

Information about person responsible for her pregnancy after she had delivered a baby last Month.

“The minor confessed to the mother about the relationship with the fisherman prompting legalaction,” he said.  

He appealed to the parents to accord their children proper parental care by closely monitoring

their movements and the people they relate with to curb teenage pregnancies.

The police regretted that teenage pregnancies occur because most parents have abdicated their parental responsibilities.

Rarieda Sub County has experienced numerous cases of teenage pregnancies especially in villages along the beaches of Lake Victoria.

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