Majiwa Secondary School students in Siaya protest over four weeks blackout

KPLC has promised to restore power by Monday next week.

Majiwa Secondary School students had everyone taken aback on Friday, July 12 when they walked all the way from the institution and staged a sit in demo at the Kenya Power and Lighting Company (KPLC) Bondo town over lack of electricity.

The Ndori, Siaya County based institution which is a county level, Boys boarding/day school is reported to have lacked electricity for the last four weeks a thing which has halted studies at a time when most schools are trying to recover the lost time as they failed to open for second term in time courtesy of floods.


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The situation forced the KPLC officials to involve the police as the students persisted not to go away until the situation is addressed and measures put in place on how they can start to receive power at the institution as soon as possible.

It is until then the area OCS negotiated the situation with KPLC promised to look into the matter as soon as possible to ensure that there is power at the school as from Monday of next week.

The students denied returning to school on foot as they had already covered a distance of over 18 kilometers to reach at the institution and the OCS had to convince Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology (JOUST) to provide their buses and they were ferried back to school.

However, the students promised to return to the offices if the power is not restored by Tuesday.

By Vostine Ratemo

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