Maintain professionalism during exams, Laikipia teachers told

By Peter Otuoro

Laikipia teachers have been told to maintain professionalism during the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examination period to enable students to sit for their examinations undisturbed.

Speaking to Education News, Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) Laikipia Executive secretary Robert Miano said that currently, examination is the main indicator of students’ capability .

“Teachers who will be supervisors, invigilators and center managers should perform their duties professionally to enable all students get their best results,” said Miano.

Speaking as he wished success to Laikipia KCSE Candidates, Miano told all candidates in the county that they should not leave anything to chance because every mark matters to them and will determine their grades when the results are released.

He advised them to approach their papers with confidence to prove that they were getting whatever they were being taught in class.

He also advises parents to ensure they provide a conducive environment to all candidates who will sit their examinations.

“This is an opportunity to give our learners both boys and girls a golden chance to fully concentrate on their examinations,” said Miano.

He warned parents against giving them a lot of home duties which might hinder getting enough time to concentrate on revision.

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