Magoha urges security team to release list of pregnancies perpetrators

By Felix Wanderi

Education Cabinet Secretary George Magoha has said the ministry will release a list of perpetrators of pregnancies in schools so that they can be punished.

Speaking in Kiambu during the handing over of ACK Kiuu river secondary school built by National Government-Constituency Development Fund (NG-CDF), Magoha said those who will be caught will have themselves to blame.

“We are looking for the list of the perpetrators, it does not matter who they are, we shall punish them without mercy. Those whom we are going to get will have themselves to blame,” said Magoha.

The CS assured those who are pregnant and perhaps are at home that the ministry will ensure that they sit the exams.

“They shall take exams with all the dignity and that will be taken into consideration,” said Magoha.

He said that the infrastructure of schools put up by NG-CDF must be measurable in getting value for public money.

“Can others follow suit because I feel very perturbed that the value of a classroom can vary from Sh600,000 to Sh 1.5 million. Where does the other money go? As the government provides money through whichever method, can we ensure we get value for money,” posed Magoha.

He recognized teachers who have managed to get the children back to school especially those that will be doing exams in three weeks time.

“We do not take it for granted and we know you are overloaded, we thank the teachers for ensuring that the children behave like children once again because they are only children. Any child above eight years who does a criminal act it remains for the rest of your life. If you have problems open up and we shall listen to you especially those preparing for exams who are under a lot of pressure,” he said

He said the exam is already on track and the government knows that the children were out of school for nine months and will put everything into consideration and those taking exams should not be under pressure since they did not bring Covid-19.

He said that the government has delivered desks whose cost totals Sh72 million.

 “The government has also delivered desks to whole of Central, Nyanza, Western, North eastern regions and are waiting for Rift Valley and Eastern regions with a delivery of 96% and have paid in excess of Sh 1.4 billion direct to the people making the desks,”  he said.

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