Magoha: School heads who defy 100% transition to be fired

By Peter Otuoro

Education Cabinet Secretary, Prof. George Magoha, has directed Teachers Service Commission (TSC) to fire secondary school heads who defy President Kenyatta’s directive of 100 per cent transition to form one by refusing to admit Form One students in secondary schools who do not have school fees.

Prof. Magoha told school heads especially those in secondary day schools to admit all students in order to give them opportunity to continue with their studies.

“Kenyans parents pay taxes and their children have a right to get education, our school heads should have a human mind and understand the tough economic situation that Kenyans are facing especially those who live in slums in various parts of our towns and those in arid and semi-arid regions of Kennya,” said Prof. Magoha.

Magoha who conduct a six-hour raid in Kaptembwa slums in Nakuru town where he rescue seven school going children who pass KCPE Examination  and were unable to go to their respective schools due to lack of school fees told school heads to understand the rights of  children and agree to admit them.

“Some of us like myself were it not be some good Samaritans and the hearts that the principals of our learning times had,we could not get education because our background was so poor that our parents could not pay our secondary school fees,but our teachers concentrate in our ability to pass examinations but not our parents ability to pay school fees, that is why we are currently holding these position we have today.”, said Pro.Magoha.

The CS told all Directors of Education in all eight regions of Kenya which are Rift Valley,Western,Nyanza,Nairobi,Coast,North Eastern,Eastern and Central regions to ensure all Kenyan children who seat for 2021 KCPE are admitted to secondary school in accordance with President Kenyatta 100 per cent form one transmission and no child should remain home due to lack of school fees.

“I am directing all education officials in eight regions of Kenya to ensure that all Kenya children who seat for 2021 KCPE are admitted to our schools.”, said Pro.Magoha.

He added that he act as a good example by leaving his office in Nairobi and enter in Kaptembwa slums in Nakuru City to ensure children of poor Kenyans access quality education.

Seven School going children who were rescue by Pro.Magoha at Kaptembwa slums were immediately admitted to various schools in Nakuru County.

Some of schools which admit those children were Nakuru Girls High school, Nakuru boys high school, Moi Forces Academy among other school where they were given full sponsorship by the government for four years.

The parents of children who were rescue thank the government for giving their children four-year full sponsorship.

“We thank the Education CS Pro.Magoha for coming to our houses here in slums, seat in a jerican because we cannot even afford to buy a chair, and take our children to big school, we can say nothing but thank God for remembering us, today.”, said one of the parents whose children were admitted today through the CS effort.

When they arrive to schools the children were given free uniforms and immediately admitted to schools.

Prof.Magoha was accompanied by Nakuru town west Member of Parliament Samuel Arama, Rift Valley TSC Director Adow Bardad,Nakuru County Director of Education Fredrick Osewe among other government officers.

The CS visit several schools within the city where he also open CBC classrooms in Nakuru Girls High School and Nakuru Boys High School.

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