Maendeleo Ya Wanawake asks Govt to initiate evening classes for teenage mothers

By Tsozungu Kombe

Maendeleo Ya Wanawake Organization (MYWO) Kilifi County Chairperson, Mrs. Witness Tsuma has urged the county government to establish evening classes in each primary school to enable girls who drop out of school to continue with their studies.

Speaking to Education News in her office in Kilifi town recently, she decried the high rate of school dropouts among school girls in the county.

She attributed the high dropout rate to early pregnancies and marriages.

“Early pregnancies and marriages among school girls have equally impacted negatively towards education enhancement in the county,” she said.

However, Mrs. Tsuma said that the county was currently running a spirited campaign to curb Gender Based Violence (GBV) and early pregnancies.

She urged all education stakeholders in the county to unite and support the girl child in a bid to enhance education levels in Kilifi.

“Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), Charity Organizations, well-wishers and even individuals should come forward and support the education of the girl child,” she said.

Tsuma noted that the county’s rapid development needed an educated workforce and fighting early pregnancies and marriages would be of great assistance to the girl child and the county at large.

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