TSC blames teachers for stagnation, delayed transfers


The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) CEO Dr. Nancy Macharia has faulted teachers for delayed transfers and stagnation in one job group for many years.

Speaking on July 11, 2023 when she appeared before the National Assembly Education Committee, Dr. Macharia said that the agency has been advertising for vacant positions in various levels but teachers have failed to turn up and apply for them.

“On several occasions, we have placed advertisements in mainstream media and on social media platforms for teachers to apply but we are not getting the required numbers,” she said.

Dr. Macharia said that since January, the Commission has advertised a sum of 14,738 for promotion to different grades but surprisingly, only 11,231 teachers were absorbed with 3,507 posts lacking qualified applications despite the numerous vacancies caused by natural attrition.

However, she said the Commission re-advertised the 3,507 unfilled vacancies in June 2023 and the process is still underway.

Assembly Committee Chairman Julius Melly noted that despite several attempts by teachers to apply for positions, they faced various challenges at the TSC portal with no explanation being brought forth by the Commission.

“We have cases where teachers have logged onto your website to apply for the transfer but have not been coming back. Some are not willing to come back but are being harassed by locals to leave their schools. What are you doing to solve these challenges?” Melly posed.

The TSC boss said that by June, 46,962 teachers had applied for transfers but the Commission had affected 20,055 transfers of teachers back to their home counties so far.

Dr. Macharia said the rest were pending due to lack of suitable replacements among other reasons.

By Vostine Ratemo

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