Machakos University reopens in time for end-semester exams

By Our Reporter

Machakos University reopened on Tuesday, December 13 after it was closed on Wednesday, December 7 following protests over insecurity around the university.

Vice Chancellor Prof. Lucy Irungu on Friday, December 9 held a special meeting which resolved that learning should resume.

Prof. Irungu through a letter circulated to all students and staff on the same day stated that the re-opening was to enable the students to write their examinations.

“Following a special meeting convened on Friday, 9th December 2022, it was resolved that the University be re-opened on Tuesday, 13th December 2022 at 8:00 a.m. All students are advised to report ready to write their exams as scheduled in the approved examination timetable,” read a letter seen by Education News in part.

The Vice Chancellor further advised the students to ensure that all examination requirements are met.

“Remember your personal security starts and ends with you. Maintenance of peace and security as well being vigilant in your respective areas of residence is taken as personal responsibility,” she added.

Prof. Irungu further wished them all the best in their forthcoming examinations.

The University was closed last Wednesday over students’ demonstrations after a student who was shot by a Police Officer during Monday’s (December 5) protests died that Wednesday morning.

“Due to the evolving insecurity situation around the university and the ongoing students demonstration, a special meeting convened on December 7, 2022 resolved that in the interest of the security of staff and students, the University be closed with immediate effect,” the letter read in part.

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