Machakos Senator wants ECDE teachers’ salary reviewed

By Agnes Orang’o

Machakos Senator Agnes Kavindu has called on the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) to review the salaries for Early Childhood Development Education (ECDE) teachers.

Speaking in Matungulu, Kavindu noted that the proposed salaries were a mockery to the teachers who do a lot of work in building education foundation for children.

She suggested that the teachers should be the highest paid to boost their morale.

“These are people with diplomas and do a lot of work, they mould kids, teach them basic life skills and paying them Ksh 7,000 is unfair,” she said.

She added: “No one would want to study the course in the future if they will be paid such peanuts. We are calling upon the Ministry of Education and SRC to please review the salaries of these teachers, the cost of living is high and there is no need to frustrate them further.”

The Senator also urged school heads to be lenient with parents and not send kids home because of petty levies.

Her sentiments were echoed by the county Woman Representative Joyce Kasimbi who also called for fast-tracking of food distribution to schools.

She noted that school-going kids were suffering due to the ongoing drought and a feeding programme would go a long way.

The county of Machakos began distributing food to ECDE schools last week.

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