Maasai Mara University defends move to sack whistle-blower

By Malachi Motano

Maasai Mara University Council has defended their move to sack Spencer Sankale Ololchike, the Chief Finance Officer at the university saying he was specifically fired ‘due to his unrelenting insolence, cyber bullying, libel and defamation towards his employer, among other documented cases of gross misconduct.’

According to the university council Chairman, Dr. Kennedy Ole Kerei, Sankale allegedly abused, maligned and defamed both the Council and Management of the University.

“Contrary to media reports, Mr. Ololchike was  not dismissed because of his whistle-blowing activities, but due to his unrelenting insolence among other documented cases of gross misconduct. After Sankale appeared on the 2019 TV expose dubbed Mara Heist, we summoned him to appear before the council to shed more light on the said graft allegations but he allegedly failed to produce any evidence to support his claims and instead became arrogant,” claimed the Chairman.

He claimed that during the meeting, Sankale declined to provide any information on the allegations he made. He also declined and to produce any evidence of his allegations. Instead, he chose to display total disrespect, disdain, contempt, arrogance and condescension towards the Council.

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