Lunch Payments Should be Optional, No Extra Levies, Says Ministry

By Our Reporter

The government through the Ministry of Education has given a stern warning to School heads and Board of Managements (BOM) of public schools charging illegal levies, directing them to revert the levies to student’s fees.

In a circular to all Regional and County Directors of Education dated August 9, 2021 from the office of Principal Secretary State Department of Early Learning and Basic Education, the Ministry has directed the Principal’s to recover the extra levies paid by parents, guardians and sponsors of needy students and be treated as fees paid up front.

The Circular, signed by Paul Kibet who is the Director Secondary Education at the Ministry on behalf of the Permanent Secretary Dr. Julius Jwan, has also categorically stated that  where a school has a lunch programme; such payments should be made optional and reasonable considering the reduced school calendar.

“It is noted that schools recover these levies upfront before crediting money paid as fees into the students’ fees accounts. This makes students have false fees arrears leading to them being sent home,” reads the circular.

It went on stating that: “Where lunch programme is in place, the same should be made optional and be reasonable taking into consideration the reduced term or academic year.”

The circular which was also copied to the Education Cabinet Secretary Prof. George Magoha, Ministry’s Administrative Secretaries, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Teachers Service Commission Dr. Nancy Macharia, and Chair, National Parents Association (NPA) Nicholus Maiyo stated that any unreported cases of such illegal levies will attract sanctions on officers responsible.

The ministry has maintained that any school that desires to charge amounts above the stipulated fees must make a formal request to the Cabinet Secretary and can only charge after authorization has been granted.

“No child will be sent away for non-payment of such fees. Schools are ordered to display their fees structure prominently on their notice boards. Any fees collected above the revised guidelines should be refunded or treated as prepayment of fees for continuing students,” it stated.

However, all the County and Subcounty Directors of Education have been asked to report to the Principal Secretary any public school’s BOM whose institution is charging the levies with immediate effect.

The circular came after parents, guardians and the general public raised concerns of schools charging lunch fees and other levies despite the Ministry giving numerous circulars regarding the same and fee guidelines in a circular dated June 16, 2021.

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