Low turn out as schools resume today

By Norah Musega

As directed by the government, physical learning resumed today after a ten-month holiday that resulted from the emergence of the Covid-19. However, low turnout has been reported in many schools across the country.

Parents, especially those with children in ECD have raised their concern over the safety of their children who with their young age and little understanding of the deadly virus are likely to be careless.

They have faulted the government’s wanting preparedness to avert the spread of the virus citing that the additional classrooms which were meant to ease congestion in schools have not been put in place.

A survey done by the Education News team in Migori, Homabay, Kisii and Nyamira counties saliently indicates reluctance amongst learners despite teachers heeding the call to resume work.

Momokoro Academy Director who doubles up as the Kenya Private Schools Association (KPSA) Chair Migori County, Mr. Tobias Werema Rangi told Education News that the turnout of pupils has been affected in the county bordering Tanzania noting that most of the learners come from across the border.

He revealed that most of the parents from Tanzania whose children have been accessing education in Kenya are currently being arrested at the border by the Kenya police hence asking the Cabinet Secretary for Education Prof. George Magoha to intervene.

He also faulted the government for mocking the private schools by giving them false hope on cushioning deal against the economic impotence that checked in at the spark of the Covid-19.

Last year, the government promised to give private schools a state loan of 7 billion shillings for preparation ahead of reopening but that according to Mr. Rangi was an empty promise since no school received a coin prompting the closure of many schools.  

“So far over 50,000 learners have been displaced from their respective schools and are presently desperately looking for positions in the already flooded institutions.  It is also a pity that candidates are amongst them,” said Rangi.

On the other hand, National Parents Association Chair Mr. Nicholas Maiyo has called on parents to halt the holiday mood and ensure their children report back to school immediately.

“As learning resumes after a long period of holiday, I urge the parents to equip their children with all the requirements. As parents we are charged with the responsibility of providing necessities to our children even while in school,” said Maiyo.

Although today was the official opening day, some schools have advised their learners to report on January 5th and 6th. Alliance Boys High School and Maranda High School will be reporting on 6th while Kanga High School and Koderobara High School both in Migori County will reopen on January 5th.

Meanwhile, temperature checking in Daraja Mbili Primary School in Kisii County might not be possible since the institution does not have a fence. To add a nail to the coffin, the institution has been reported to lack enough classrooms. However, learning under the tree as earlier on directed by the Education CS will not be possible in Daraja Mbili since there is no tree within the institution compound.  

Speaking to Education News, school headteacher Mr. Vincent Amboko decried the situation appealing for help from the government saying observing the social distance rule will not be possible if things remain the way they are.

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