Low education levels attributed to high divorce rates

By Amoto Ndiewo

Sheikh Athman Abdiwahab, a judiciary official  based on Wajir, has expressed concern that the high divorce rates among Muslim couples in Wajir  has affected the education levels in the region.

Abdiwahab said that more than 200 divorce cases were reported last year and another 95 have been filed this year.

He explained that once the family fabric is disconnected, the family system suffers and children can’t concentrate in school.

‘Some children end up dropping out of school all together,’ he sadly said.

The Muslim scholar explained that other than the demands and pressure by families, many people are oblivious of the Islamic education on the rule of marriage as an institution

“These factors have led to family separations,” he explained.

He added that marriages are made in heaven and are supposed to last till death separates the couple.

“Islamic education says that divorce should only come as a last resort,” he said.

Revealing that over 70% of the Kadhi’s court cases are related to divorce, the cleric called on Muslim scholars and clerics to engage the Muslims in creating awareness about the institution of marriage.

He urged couples to engage in dialogues to solve disputes which might end up breaking families.

‘’Gift dialogue and education a chance instead of rushing to the Kadhi’s court seeking for divorce,’’ he pleaded.

The Islamic scholar called on other Islamic leaders and   parents to advise their married children to uphold modesty, humility, perseverance and embrace education.

Stressing on the importance of education, the scholar quoted Holy Prophet Mohamed   who urged Muslims to go as far as China to seek education.

‘Since education is the best gift a parent can give to his or her child, lets embrace education,’ said Abdiwahab.


The cleric criticised parents who reject their children’s spouses because of tribes, clans and financial and educational backgrounds.

He added that Islamic teaching has no room for such belligerent concerns on fellow Muslims.

The cleric stressed on  the need to create awareness on education which takes measures and intervention to tackle this worrying trendy of high rate of divorce.





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