Look for lasting solutions to school fires, education stakeholders urged

By Erick Nyayiera

Education stakeholders countrywide have been asked to stop unnecessary blame games and instead look for a lasting solution to the increasing cases of school fires countrywide.

President of Siaya Rotary club Mrs. Rose Waringa said the Ministry of Education together with other stakeholders like parents and teachers should find ways of addressing the situation instead of blaming each other for the school fires.

‘All sectors of the economy were destabilized because of the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. The challenges we are currently experiencing in the education sector are as a result of the effects of the pandemic,’ he said.

Mrs. Waringa added that with the congested education system, learners are strained hence the ugly incidents that they are currently engaging in.

 ‘There needs to be a roundtable discussion amongst all the stakeholders,’ she added.

 Mrs. Waringa, who is also the director of a children rights organization called ‘Precious Tears Initiative’  suggested that the government must find ways of creating psycho-social support for students in schools.

‘Guidance and counseling departments in schools must be reinforced and professional counselors invited in schools to talk to learners and listen to their grievances,’ she added. 

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