Lonyangapuo wants security beefed up in schools

By Kiplat Kapusia

West Pokot County Governor John Lonyangapuo has called on the government to beef up security along county borders to help learners have a conducive environment for learning.

The County boss lamented that some schools have been having on and off learning sessions due to insecurity lapses as parents, teachers and students have been affected with the deteriorating security situation.

Speaking on Wednesday July 27th during the launching of county school bursary at Makutano stadium area the Governor said disarmament should be done in areas where banditry is rampant so as to reduce cattle rustling and restore peace.

He urged leaders to avoid inflammatory remarks as he urged the county security officers to note down such leaders and hold them accountable when chaos erupts.

Kenya Secondary Schools Heads Association (KESSHA) Pokot Central Sub County Chairperson Maximilla Wamatwa said that many pupils and teachers along the Turkwel Belt and Kerio Valley had suffered due to border disputes with killings orchestrated by raiders.

Some teachers noted that the frequent attacks have affected performance in the border school leading to a drastic drop in the area’s Kenya certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) and Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) results.

Prof Lonyangapuo later on released a Shs138 million Bursary kitty in the event which was attended by all secondary schools Head teachers from the County.

Fifty one secondary schools from hardship areas with less than 100 students received Sh20,000 for each student during the 1st phase of the disbursement and all day school students received  Sh 7,000 per student.

The Bursary programme has led to a record increase in school enrollment, retention and transition rates where in  2017 there were only 23,000 students in secondary school but the robust ‘Bursary For All’ programme has increased secondaryhas increased the number to 70,000 students

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