Local contractors to reap big in government tenders

By Tony Wafula

The National Government has announced plans to award tenders to local contractors to construct Competency based curriculum (CBC) classrooms in schools across the country. This follows President Uhuru Kenyatta’s directive that the government of Kenya through the Ministry of Education will contract 10,000 classrooms nationally to help in implementation of the CBC.

While addressing education stakeholders, procurement officers and Bungoma County Commissioner Samuel Kimiti assured that the county was set to roll out the programme that will also realize empowerment of local businessmen.

Kimiti added that they have formed county committees that will oversee and implement the CBC programme and to make sure that the work that is done is of good quality and not sub-standard.

“No contractor will be allowed to deliver sub- standard work, all contractors will be expected to deliver a good job,” he said, adding that the committees formed at the county and sub-county levels will make sure quality classrooms are contracted within given time frame.

Kimiti urged local contractors to register their companies at the Huduma Centre or using an online portal so that they may qualify to be awarded with tenders, he added that all tenders should go through the procurement officer for clarification before they are awarded.

The commissioner told stakeholders that Bungoma was ready to implement the CBC to make sure that learners are not only taught paper work but they also are imparted with practical skills.

“The government has decided to change the current 8-4-4 to 6-6-3 so that learners also get the practical part,” he noted.

He asked politicians to cease from commenting on CBC as it is not a political project hence everybody should support the implementation of the programme.  

On school unrest, Kimiti warned students to cease from the act saying that the schools are not battle grounds.

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